State Plane (US Survey Feet), NAD27 Note that the units of the projection coordinates are specified using ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey. In addition to Linear_Foot_US_Survey we also sometimes use Linear_Foot to indicate ``international feet'', or Linear_Meter to indicate that the units are in meters. It seems that we are supposed to convert the units and the tie point to the EPSG standard for each zone; however, this is difficult, and contrary to how many users want to work, so we always indicate a units override with the ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey. Frank Warmerdam Geotiff_Information: Version: 1 Key_Revision: 1.0 Tagged_Information: ModelTiepointTag (2,3): 0 0 0 1577139.71 634349.176 0 ModelPixelScaleTag (1,3): 195.509321 198.32184 0 End_Of_Tags. Keyed_Information: GTModelTypeGeoKey (Short,1): ModelTypeProjected GTRasterTypeGeoKey (Short,1): RasterPixelIsArea GTCitationGeoKey (Ascii,17): "SPAF 406 E000" GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey (Short,1): Angular_Degree ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey (Short,1): PCS_NAD27_California_VI ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey (Short,1): Linear_Foot_US_Survey End_Of_Keys. End_Of_Geotiff. PROREP Georeference Segment Report V6.3 EASI/PACE 09:03 05-Mar-98 SPAF.pix [S 1BIC 519P 512L] 05-Mar-98 1:GEOref Type:150 [Georeferencing ] Last Update: 08:59 05-Mar-98 Contents: Master Georeferencing Segment for File Output Georeferenced Units : SPAF 0406 E000 Projection : State Plane (U.S. Survey Feet) Zone 0406 Earth Ellipsoid : Clarke 1866 (NAD 27) Upper Left Corner : 1577139.714 E 634349.176 N Upper Right Corner : 1678609.052 E 634349.176 N Image Centre : 1627874.383 E 583578.785 N Lower Left Corner : 1577139.714 E 532808.394 N Lower Right Corner : 1678609.052 E 532808.394 N Pixel Size : 195.509 E 198.322 N Upper Left Corner : 117d38'36.73" W Lon 33d54'08.37" N Lat Upper Right Corner : 117d18'33.01" W Lon 33d54'20.18" N Lat Image Centre : 117d28'27.81" W Lon 33d45'52.44" N Lat Lower Left Corner : 117d38'20.68" W Lon 33d37'23.90" N Lat Lower Right Corner : 117d18'20.81" W Lon 33d37'35.67" N Lat In GXF Terms: #MAP_PROJECTION "NAD27 / California zone VI" "Clarke 1866",6378206.4,0.082271854,0.0000000 "Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)",33.8833333,32.7666667,32.1666667,-116.2333333,2000000,0 #UNIT_LENGTH "ftUS",0.30480061