:Author: Hamish Bowman :Version: osgeo-live4.0 :License: Creative Commons .. _marble-overview: .. image:: images/project_logos/logo-marble.png :scale: 75 % :alt: project logo :align: right :target: http://edu.kde.org/marble/ Marble ====== 3D desktop globe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marble is an open source KDE Education Project program similar to `NASA World Wind `_ or Google Earth. Besides choosing any number of maps to view on your globe (including `OpenStreetMaps `_), you are encouraged to include a KDE Marble widget in your application. Core Features ------------- .. image:: images/screenshots/1024x768/marble-history.png :scale: 50 % :alt: screenshot :align: right * Virtual globe and world atlas * Navigate globe in 3D * Mouse-click reveals Wikipedia article for destination * Multiple maps (and planets, moons) to choose from * Solar day/night overlay * Measure distances * Switch between view-from-space and 2D projected map views * `OpenStreetMap `_ integration Details ------- **Website:** http://edu.kde.org/marble/ **Licence:** GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 **Software Version:** 0.9.2 **Supported Platforms:** GNU/Linux, Mac OSX, MS Windows **API Interfaces:** Qt designer, C++, Python, D-BUS, Shell script **Support:** http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Marble Quickstart ---------- * `Quickstart documentation <../quickstart/marble_quickstart.html>`_