:Author: OSGeo Live :Version: osgeo-live4.0 :License: Creative Commons .. _openjump-overview: .. image:: images/project_logos/logo-openjump.png :scale: 100 % :alt: project logo :align: right :target: http://www.openjump.org OpenJUMP GIS ============ Desktop GIS ~~~~~~~~~~~ OpenJUMP is an easy to use and powerful deskstop GIS that enables users to edit, analyse, conflate, save and display geographic data. It is also an excellent framework for rapid prototyping to develop custom GIS functions. .. image:: images/screenshots/1024x768/openjump-screenshot.png :scale: 50 % :alt: project screenshots :align: center Core Features ------------- * Data Formats * reads (files): GML, SHP, DXF*, JML, MIF* & TIFF, JPG, MrSID, ECW * reads (DB): PostGIS, ArcSDE*, Oracle* and MySQL* * writes: GML, SHP, DXF*, PostGIS*, JML & JPG * supports: OGC WMS & WFS (-T), GML 2, SLD * note that formats marked with a (*) come with an extra plugin * Editing & Conflation * drawing points, lines, polygons, circles * adding, moving, deleting vertices * rotating, scaling, auto-complete polygon * cut, merge, simplify polygons and lines * warping, quality assurance tools* * (Vector) Analysis & Query * spatial and attribute query functions * calculating length, area, centroid, buffer, convex hull,... * topology tools: line noder, polygonizer, planar graph,... * attribute transfer tools (1:1 transfer, or n:1 transfer) * raster analysis via SEXTANTE connector * Customization * provides an API, scripting via BeanShell and Java Python * (Java) plugin-system Implemented Standards --------------------- .. Writing Tip: List OGC or related standards supported. * OGC standards supported: GML 2, SFS, WMS, WFS (Plugin), WFS-T (Plugin), SLD Details ------- **Website:** http://www.openjump.org **Licence:** GPL **Software Version:** 1.3 **Supported Platforms:** Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix **Community Support:** http://www.openjump.org/support.html **Commercial Support:** http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/jump-pilot/index.php?title=Professional_Support_Page