Ticket #86: tsp_seed_rjm.cpp

File tsp_seed_rjm.cpp, 2.5 KB (added by rodj59, 3 years ago)

You wouldn't want to use it this way but this is the idea.

1boolean tsp_seed_rjm(population *pop, entity *adam)
3  int           i,s,tmp,j,k;
4  int           *data;
5  int                   Assigned[MAX_TOWNS] ;
6  int                   closest2,marker1;
8  DBG("*** In tsp_seed_rjm, pop-<len_chromosomes = %i \n",pop->len_chromosomes);
9  data = (int *)adam->chromosome[0];
11  for (i=0; i < pop->len_chromosomes; i++) Assigned[i] = -1;  // these are the nodes assigned to the path
13  for (i=0; i<pop->len_chromosomes; i++)
14  {
15        Assigned[i] = -1;
16    if(ids[i] == source_id)   // ie find the index where index of source_id is initially stored
17      s = i;
18        DBG("ids[%i] = %i,  \n",i,ids[i]);
19  }
20  Assigned[s] = 1; // mark this vertex's index  as assigned
21  data[0] = s;  // place it in the first position
22  DBG("Postion 0 , index = %i, data[0] = %i\n",s,s);
23  marker1 = 0;
24  for ( k=1; k < pop->len_chromosomes; k++){ // loop through every sequential position in path not yet filled
25        closest2 = -1;
26        for ( i=0; i < k ; i++){ // now scan every vertex in the path which could precede a new vertex eg. 0...k
27                for (j=0; j < pop->len_chromosomes; j++)  // loop through the vertices not yet in the path eg. where Assigned[j] < 0
28                        if ( Assigned[j] < 0 ){ // this vertex j not yet included in the path
29                                // find  the unassigned vertex closest to  vertex i already in the path
30                                if ( closest2 < 0 || marker1 < 0 || DISTANCE[i][j] < DISTANCE[marker1][closest2] ){
31                                        closest2 = j; // j is current index of the vertex not yet in path
32                                        marker1 = i;  // i is current index of vertex in path
33                                        DBG("closest1 = %i,marker1 = %i\n",closest2,marker1);
34                                }
35                        }
37                // closest1 now contains index of vertex closest to member marker1 of the assigned path
38                DBG("marker1 = %i, closest2 = %i\n , distance between = %f",marker1,closest2,DISTANCE[data[marker1]][closest2]);
39        }
41        DBG("Finished second loop, closest2 = %i, marker1 = %i, index k = %i\n",closest2,marker1,k);
42        // now closest2 contains the index of a vertex closer to a vertex in path than any other vertex not
43        // already in the path is to any vertex in the path
44        // shuffle the existing following entries back down the path
45        for ( j = k -1; j > marker1; j-- ){
46                if ( Assigned[data[j]] ){
47                        DBG("Shuffling data[%i] = data[%i] = %i\n",j+1,j,data[j]);
48                        data[j+1] = data[j];
49                }
50        }
51        Assigned[closest2] = 1; // mark the vertex as in the path
52        data[k] = closest2;             // add the vertex into path as successor to vertex it's closest to
53        DBG("data[%i] = %i\n",k,closest2);
55        } // this loop fills consecutive positions in the path
57  return TRUE;