package (#21) - Problem with pgRouting (#18) - Message List

Problem with pgRouting

I created a DB using Postgres (and Postgis) following the instruction on

Now I have a db named routingProva with a table named kanagawa. When I try to start the queries for Dykstra, A*, Shooting star, TSP and so on I have some problem. Launching Dykstra and A* from PL/SQL console provided by postgres I get this error:

"cache lookup failed for type 611280"

If I start the ShootingStar query on the server with postgres I have an Exception of this type:

"Application (postgres) make a reference to memory ...........; the memory can be written"

I I start the TSP query I get the same error than Shooting star but in this case the message tell that memory can be read!

Anyone could hemp me, please?

By Sandro

  • Message #231

    I got the same message "cache lookup failed for type..." [a number follows]. As far as I see, test data (victoria) and functions seem correctly added to PostgreSQL 8.1. Everything seems set up fine, in accordance with the tutorial... but the infamous error message still persists. Thanks for your help, kind regards


    • Message #232

      Could you tell us more about your installation? For example which OS do you use, do you use your own compiled PostgreSQL, etc.. Are you using the latest pgRouting release?

      Otherwise it's hard to guess.

      • Message #235

        Daniel, I am testing with

        *Windows XP Professional

        *the pgRouting binaries for Win32 from this site ( Such version provided files such as librouting.dll, routing_core_wrappers.sql and routing_core.sql - yes, I see there are several versions around with different namings, that confuses me a little.

        *PostgreSQL (with PostGIS) 8.1.10 binaries setup from the official site: I am not using 8.2.5 as I got the infamous error "PG_MAGIC_NUMBER", so I downgraded PostgreSQL.

        Configuration seems ok: thanks to several tutorial around, I was able abe to create the db, add the routing functions to the db, and load well known test dataset like "victoria" and "kanagawa" (that already contains source, target and the_geom columns).

        In short, a sequence like

        createdb -U postgres -E UTF-8 routing createlang -U postgres plpgsql routing [redundant !]

        psql -U postgres routing -f C:/Programmi/PostgreSQL/8.1/share/contrib/routing_core.sql

        psql -U postgres routing -f C:/Programmi/PostgreSQL/8.1/share/contrib/routing_core_wrappers.sql

        psql -U postgres routing -f C:/Programmi/PostgreSQL/8.1/share/contrib/routing_dd.sql

        psql -U postgres routing -f C:/Programmi/PostgreSQL/8.1/share/contrib/routing_dd_wrappers.sql

        psql -U postgres routing -f C:/Programmi/PostgreSQL/8.1/share/contrib/routing_tsp.sql

        psql -U postgres routing -f C:/Programmi/PostgreSQL/8.1/share/contrib/routing_tsp_wrappers.sql

        shp2pgsql -D c:/setups/Kanagawa/routingj/data/kanagawa.shp kanagawa > kanagawa.sql

        psql -U postgres routing -f kanagawa.sql

        create index gid_idx on kanagawa(gid);

        create index source_idx on kanagawa(source);

        create index target_idx on kanagawa(target);

        create index geom_idx on kanagawa using GIST (the_geom GIST_GEOMETRY_OPS);

        It seems data have been loaded succesfully. Unfortunately, any query like the one below via PostgreSQL Query Tool, would fail.

        SELECT * FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4,

        target::int4, length::double precision AS cost

        FROM kanagawa',2, 6, false, false);

        would result in "ERROR: cache lookup failed for type 19392464" or similar number.



        • Message #240

          Executing createlang -U postgres plpgsql routing is not redundant at all! It adds Pl/pgSQL to the routing database. And after that you need to execute:

          psql -U postgres -f postgis-1.2.1/lwpostgis.sql routing

          psql -U postgres -f postgis-1.2.1/spatial_ref_sys.sql routing

          to make the usage of PostGIS available for the routing database.

          And also tell me more about "PG_MAGIC_NUMBER", 'cause I thought we care about this problem (for me it works with version 8.2.4).

          • Message #349

            For the record, I got the same "cache lookup failed" error for a Dijkstra shortest_path command, using postgres/postgis 8.1.5/1.1.5, and upgrading to 8.2.6/1.3.2 solved it.

            • Message #350

              ...and I should note that this was using the pgRouting-1.0.0_win32 binaries.
