shootingstar (#18) - ordered result ? (#285) - Message List

ordered result ?

the result of shortest_path_shooting_star(), is it supposed to be ordered ?

seem to be no with my result =\

  • Message #1014

    Which version of pgRouting do you use?
    Later versions of pgRouting also return an ordered "id" attribute.

    • Message #1015

      i use version 1.02 but now i tried this wrappers : see on this topic : who return an ordered "id" attribute and trim the starting and ending edge.

      it's very well but i got some strange result. For some query a got no result even with a very big "delta" (1 000 000 meters) which take almost all my data. And logically, when you check the data, a result is possible.

      Do you had some case like that or there is a fix that i miss ?

      • Message #1016

        I check some new results from the wrappers and is it possible that the turn restrictions are not respected for the extra edges ?

        Usually, the first two and last two

      • Message #1017

        This is hard to say without knowing more about your data and how the result is wrong.

        In general (personal experience) the reason for something not being correct is the data. Can be that network topology isn't build correctly for example. If you use turn restrictions, is the logic correct, etc..

        • Message #1018

          I check some new results from the wrappers and is it possible that the turn restrictions are not respected for the extra edges ? Usually, the first two and last two

          This could be a bug in the "smart" wrapper. I don't think it was tested with turn restrictions from me or Anton. If you can provide more details here would be helpful.

          • Message #1020

            apparently, because the 'gid' of the second extra edge or penultimate edge is a new one, the column 'rule' does not match anymore for the turn restriction.

            is it possible ?

            • Message #1021

              apparently, because the 'gid' of the second extra edge or penultimate edge is a new one, the column 'rule' does not match anymore for the turn restriction. is it possible ?

              I saw in the code, the line where you transforms 'rule' column ... it's Ok.

              I will read carefully in the future before posting a stupid question =)

          • Message #1022

            example :

             1           2
            ----0      0-----
                |      |
               4|     5|
                |      |
             6      7     3
            and the turn restriction like this
            gid   rule
            5       7

            if i want to do '6' to '2', it's gonna be OK and the turn restriction will be respected but if i do '7' to '2', the turn restriction will not be respected

            • Message #1025


              It is difficult to tell what is the reason without seeing the rest of your data. I can try to test it if you send (or post here) a little bit bigger piece of your data.


              • Message #1029

                hi! i can't post or send my data, but here is the code i wrote. i think it supposed to give a good result. The code goes just after the append of the new edges.

                	for rec in execute 'select * from '||geom_table||' WHERE rule like ''%'||source.gid||'%'''
                		new_rule := replace(rec.rule, source.gid::text, extra_edges.gid[1]::text);
                		--raise notice 'new_rule: %', new_rule;
                		query := query || ' UNION ALL SELECT ' || rec.gid::integer || ', ' || rec.source::integer ||
                	           ', ' || || ', ' || rec.cost::double precision ||
                	           ', ' || rec.x1::double precision || ', ' || rec.y1::double precision ||
                	           ', ' || rec.x2::double precision || ', ' || rec.y2::double precision ||
                	           ', ''' || quote_literal(new_rule) || ''', ' || rec.to_cost::double precision;
                                   IF rc THEN query := query || ' , ' || rec.reverse_cost::double precision;
                                   END IF;
                		new_rule := replace(rec.rule, source.gid::text, extra_edges.gid[2]::text);
                		--raise notice 'new_rule: %', new_rule;
                		query := query || ' UNION ALL SELECT ' || rec.gid::integer || ', ' || rec.source::integer ||
                	           ', ' || || ', ' || rec.cost::double precision ||
                	           ', ' || rec.x1::double precision || ', ' || rec.y1::double precision ||
                	           ', ' || rec.x2::double precision || ', ' || rec.y2::double precision ||
                	           ', ''' ||quote_literal(new_rule) || ''', ' || rec.to_cost::double precision;
                                   IF rc THEN query := query || ' , ' || rec.reverse_cost::double precision;
                                   END IF;
                                  if rec.gid = target.gid THEN
                			new_rule := replace(rec.rule, source.gid::text, extra_edges.gid[2]::text);
                			query := query || ' UNION ALL SELECT ' || extra_edges.gid[3]::integer || ', ' || extra_edges.source[3]::integer ||
                			', ' ||[3]::integer || ', ' || extra_edges.length[3]::double precision ||
                			', ' || extra_edges.x1[3]::double precision || ', ' || extra_edges.y1[3]::double precision ||
                			', ' || extra_edges.x2[3]::double precision || ', ' || extra_edges.y2[3]::double precision ||
                			', ''' || quote_literal(new_rule) || ''', ' || extra_edges.to_cost[3]::double precision;
                			IF rc THEN query := query || ' , ' || extra_edges.reverse_cost[3]::double precision;
                			END IF;
                			new_rule := replace(rec.rule, source.gid::text, extra_edges.gid[1]::text);
                			query := query || ' UNION ALL SELECT ' || extra_edges.gid[3]::integer || ', ' || extra_edges.source[3]::integer ||
                			', ' ||[3]::integer || ', ' || extra_edges.length[3]::double precision ||
                			', ' || extra_edges.x1[3]::double precision || ', ' || extra_edges.y1[3]::double precision ||
                			', ' || extra_edges.x2[3]::double precision || ', ' || extra_edges.y2[3]::double precision ||
                			', ''' || quote_literal(new_rule) || ''', ' || extra_edges.to_cost[3]::double precision;
                			IF rc THEN query := query || ' , ' || extra_edges.reverse_cost[3]::double precision;
                			END IF;
                			new_rule := replace(rec.rule, source.gid::text, extra_edges.gid[2]::text);
                			query := query || ' UNION ALL SELECT ' || extra_edges.gid[4]::integer || ', ' || extra_edges.source[4]::integer ||
                			', ' ||[4]::integer || ', ' || extra_edges.length[4]::double precision ||
                			', ' || extra_edges.x1[4]::double precision || ', ' || extra_edges.y1[4]::double precision ||
                			', ' || extra_edges.x2[4]::double precision || ', ' || extra_edges.y2[4]::double precision ||
                			', ''' || quote_literal(new_rule) || ''', ' || extra_edges.to_cost[4]::double precision;
                			IF rc THEN query := query || ' , ' || extra_edges.reverse_cost[4]::double precision;
                			END IF;
                			new_rule := replace(rec.rule, source.gid::text, extra_edges.gid[1]::text);
                			query := query || ' UNION ALL SELECT ' || extra_edges.gid[4]::integer || ', ' || extra_edges.source[4]::integer ||
                			', ' ||[4]::integer || ', ' || extra_edges.length[4]::double precision ||
                			', ' || extra_edges.x1[4]::double precision || ', ' || extra_edges.y1[4]::double precision ||
                			', ' || extra_edges.x2[4]::double precision || ', ' || extra_edges.y2[4]::double precision ||
                			', ''' || quote_literal(new_rule) || ''', ' || extra_edges.to_cost[4]::double precision;
                			IF rc THEN query := query || ' , ' || extra_edges.reverse_cost[4]::double precision;
                			END IF;
                                 END IF;
                	END LOOP;

                does it tell you something ?

                • Message #1077

                  Hi to every one... I have a similar problem using a map with srid=32632

                  start point gid: 1375 source 1130 target 1131 stop point gid: 80 source 46 target 42

                  A query like this: SELECT * from dijkstra_sp('strade_select', 1130, 42) order by id return: id;gid;the_geom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

                  the true order is this: 1 1375 2 1390 3 4289 4 4288 5 4320 6 4401 7 80

                  The same wrong result is out from SELECT strade_select.*, AsText?(strade_select.the_geom) AS wkt FROM strade_select, shortest_path_shooting_star('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost,x1, y1, x2, y2, rule, to_cost FROM strade_select', 1375, 80, false, false) as rt WHERE strade_select.gid=rt.edge_id;

                  and all routing algorithm.

                  using the latest version of pgrouting (1.3)

                  • Message #1079

                    same error with this:

                    SELECT PRO.*,DIJ.EDGE_ID, AsText?(PRO.the_geom) As wkt
                    FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4,

                    target::int4, cost::double precision AS cost,reverse_cost::double


                    AS reverse_cost FROM strade_select', 1130, 42, true, true) AS DIJ

                    LEFT JOIN strade_select AS PRO ON (PRO.gid=DIJ.edge_id);

                    but without joining with strade_select ...
                    SELECT * FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4,

                    target::int4, cost::double precision AS cost,reverse_cost::double precision

                    AS reverse_cost FROM strade_select', 1130, 42, true, true)AS DIJ

                    ... the algorithm works well !!!

                  • Message #1078

                    Another thing is that on the wrong query result, every source is not the target for the next step.


                    it have to be:

                    Thanks for any advice !

                    • Message #1081


                      I suspect your topology information to be incorrect. Can you please confirm that you really have same ids for same vertices?

                      • Message #1082

                        Thanks for your reply.

                        I have just made this query:

                        select * FROM
                        shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4,target::int4, cost::double precision AS cost,reverse_cost::double precision
                        AS reverse_cost FROM strade_select', 1130, 42, true, true)
                        The result is correct !! Instead if i do this query:

                        select * , AsText?(b.the_geom) As wkt FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4,

                        target::int4, cost::double precision AS cost,reverse_cost::double precision

                        AS reverse_cost FROM strade_select', 1130, 42, true, true) as a

                        left JOIN strade_select as b on(a.edge_id = b.gid );


                        select * , AsText?(b.the_geom) As wkt FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4,

                        target::int4, cost::double precision AS cost,reverse_cost::double precision

                        AS reverse_cost FROM strade_select', 1130, 42, true, true) as a,

                        strade_select as b where a.edge_id = b.gid ;

                        Result (wrong) is the same

                        The order is incorrect only when joining with strade_select ! With another DB it works well with these query.

                        If my topology is incorrect the first query too should be wrong... But is correct. But without join the order is correct. What can i do? One billion of points to the magician that solve this enigma ! :D

                        • Message #1083

                          I don't know what is happening but it's very very strange.

                          If i made:

                          select a.edge_id , b.nome, b.direzione, b.lunghezza, b.livello , b.n_europeo,b.gid, b.regione, b.provincia, b.sigla_prov, b.toponimo,b.numero_str


                          shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4, target::int4, cost::double precision AS cost,reverse_cost::double precision AS reverse_cost FROM strade_select', (select source from strade_select where gid=1375), (select target from strade_select where gid=80), true, true) as a

                          , (select *, AsText?(the_geom) As wkt from strade_select) as b where a.edge_id = b.gid;

                          it works well... But i can't select one more column that the loose the order. there are 20 things i have to select in the query... But it faults with 12 or more elements. Someone can help me?

                          • Message #1086

                            I would recommend you to try one of wrapper functions (i.e. dijkstra_sp()) - they return 'id' column you can sort by.

                            For example:

                            SELECT * FROM dijkstra_sp_delta('strade_select', 1130, 42, 0.1);

                            • Message #1088

                              Sure, i have done it... same result !! the order is incorrect, with: ORDER BY id too !!!!

                              But it should be a postgres bug. Infact if i don't select * (all rows) but 12 or less the order is correct !!! I don't know why !!

                              • Message #1095

                                Hello sorry for my bad english.

                                the order by joining ist not secure in postgresql, wenn you wt an ordered result you musst give "set enable_mergejoin = false" befor your query but it take more execute time

  • Message #1097

    relassal, god bless you !![[BR]]

    Thanks, i have made: set enable_hashjoin = false;

    and it works!! It takes more execution time, but it works well.

    I'll try to tuning it with postgres.conf I will post result

    BUT THANKS !!!