data (#23) - assing_vertex_id is not working on my data :( (#387) - Message List

assing_vertex_id is not working on my data :(

I followed steps describe on FOSS4G 2007 VICTORIA dataset but with my own data and everything goes fine until I should use assign_vertex_id.

I use:
SELECT assign_vertex_id('newtable', 0.001, 'the_geom', 'gid');

ERROR: Function assign_vertex_id(unknown, numeric, unknown, unknown) do not exist

LINE 1: SELECT assign_vertex_id('newtable', 0.001, 'the_geom', 'gid'...

HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

My table :

                                 Table "public.newtable"
  Column  |          Type          |                      Modificators
 gid       | integer               | not null default nextval('newtable_gid_seq'::regclass)
 fcc       | smallint              |
 road_id   | bigint                |
 on        | character varying(50) |
 df        | smallint              |
 fw        | smallint              |
 sl        | smallint              |
 fy        | smallint              |
 ds        | smallint              |
 fc        | smallint              |
 rn        | character varying(10) |
 rne       | character varying(16) |
 toll_road | smallint              |
 toll      | smallint              |
 urban     | smallint              |
 oc_admin8 | character varying(6)  |
 oc_admin9 | character varying(6)  |
 level_b   | smallint              |
 level_m   | smallint              |
 level_e   | smallint              |
 bt        | smallint              |
 nc        | smallint              |
 oneway    | character varying(2)  |
 meter     | double precision      |
 the_geom  | geometry              |
 source    | integer               |
 target    | integer               |
 length    | double precision      |
    "newtable_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gid)
    "enforce_dims_the_geom" CHECK (ndims(the_geom) = 2)
    "enforce_geotype_the_geom" CHECK (geometrytype(the_geom) = 'MULTILINESTRING'::text OR the_geom IS NULL)
    "enforce_srid_the_geom" CHECK (srid(the_geom) = 54004)

can you help me please ?

  • Message #1656
    • Message #1657

      hallo Daniel

      thank for advice.

      so I tried it again acoording your description.

      Only make small difference that I used lwpostgis.sql except of postgis.sql because I havent got it in system. Is it ok?

      Also I used shp2pgsql -s 54004 -i -I /sample.shp test_table > sample.sql to create import sql.

      Next should I follow this ?:

      psql -U postgres test_db \i /sample.sql

      • Message #1658

        It depends on your version of PostGIS if you have postgis.sql or not.

        If your data is available as SHP file, then it's OK to import it the way you wrote. If you have OSM data, you should use some tool like osm2pgrouting or osm2po (there are even more).

        I actually recommend you to do the 2010 workshop and not the one of 2007, because a couple of things are outdated. Once you understand how it works, you can use any data.

        • Message #1663

          thanks Daniel
          I find out that somehow my the_geom column was empty therefore assign_vertesx didnt work :).
          Now I sucesfuly import my data into database.