demo (#22) - Routing on the Fly - using OpenLayers? (#67) - Message List

Routing on the Fly - using OpenLayers?

Hi guys :)

I am trying to make an on-the-fly route display and am following this tutorial :

I managed to send the request to the PHP page to generate and XML response and a copy of this response can be found here : . The URL which is sending the data is : And these are the headers of the reply according to FireBug? :

Small Extract Of the XML Output :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <route> <edge id='1'> <id>3612</id> <wkt>MULTILINESTRING((642847.022664808 225275.125294559,642901.453947967 225273.479351758))</wkt> <length>0.054</length> </edge>

But the problem is when I get to display the route. When I click on Compute Route, on my site :

I get this error :

String contains an invalid character" code: "5 Line 554

And further investigations in FireBug? shows :

String contains an invalid character" code: "5 emptyFunction()OpenLayers?.js (line 189) getImagesLocation()OpenLayers?.js (line 101) emptyFunction()OpenLayers?.js (line 189) dispatch("routing.php ", Object method=get)OpenLayers?.js (line 191) Class()OpenLayers?.js (line 57) nullHandler("routing.php", "startpoint=642983.5%20225176.75&finalpoint=641780.375%20224942.375&method=SPA&region=streets&srid=-1 ", null, displayRoute(response), undefined)OpenLayers?.js (line 187) compute()openl.html (line 152) onclick(click clientX=0, clientY=0)openl.html (line 1) [Break on this error] if(style.cursor){node.setAttributeNS (null,"cursor",style.cursor);}},createNode:f...

Any idea how I can fix my code please? A copy of the code can be seen highlighted here :

Thanks for your continous help. Much Appreciated


  • Message #257

    For sure I can say, that this is not a problem with your PHP script, but something goes wrong with the OpenLayers? part. The created XML file with the route looks fine. Did you ask the OpenLayers? list?

    • Message #258

      Thanks daniel for your support .. yes I did ask but didn't get much answers, and was doubting if it was a OpenLayers? problem or else something else.

      Thanks mate :)

      • Message #259

        Do you use the latest version of OpenLayers?? The version of the FOSS4G2007 workshop is not the latest one.

        You can take a look at this demo of Christopher Schmidt. It's an extended version, which he made during the workshop.

        • Message #260

          Hmm well I downloaded the OpenLayers?.js from their server but used your tutorial to build the source code .. I'll compare it a bith with chris then :)

          Thanks for the tip!

          • Message #261

            You could link to his OpenLayers? library to make sure it is not a version problem. If it works with his OpenLayers?.js, then it might be a version incompatibility.

            If you find out that our tutorial doesn't work anymore with OpenLayers? 2.5, please let me know.

            • Message #262


              I tried to link to his OpenLayers?.js script but same error occured :(

              • Message #263


                Just would like to say that finally with the help of crschmidt and pgiraud from #OpenLayers? , I managed to get the routing working.

                I would like to say that the tutorial has some old things that I suggest should be changed to reflect the new OpenLayers?.js

                function displayRoute(response) {

                if (response && response.responseXML) {

                // erase the previous results result.removeFeatures(result.features);

                // parse the features var edges = response.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('edge'); var features = []; for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {

                var wkt = edges[i].getElementsByTagName('wkt')[0].textContent; var g =; features.push(g);

                } result.addFeatures(features);



                In the function on the wiki, there is features.push(new OpenLayers?.Feature.Vector(g)); which now should just be changed with features.push(g); since g is already a Feature.Vector array so no need to mention it again.

                Thanks alot for your support, and hope this thread helps others with my problem :)


                • Message #264

                  Thank you! I updated the tutorial page.