{5} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (7 matches)

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anton (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#85 cmake build problem pgRouting package Version 1.1 bug report 11/16/07

During build can't find headers, after build can't locate libraries. Think it was the "extras" having trouble. In some places the includes would be properly set, in others they wouldn't.

#23 tsp abnormal source_id and ids case TSP Version 1.2 feature request 08/20/07

I did test pgRouting tsp function for the project(because routing web service, various input expected), but some critical bug occurred, so please check the cases as follows.

OS:CentOS 4.4
pgRouting:1.0.0b (with cgal & gaul)

kanagawa(from  http://files.orkney.jp/pgrouting/sample/pgRouting-sampleapp.tar.bz)

[Test Case] *over 188000 id means not exist in database.
1. normal

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsp('SELECT DISTINCT source::integer AS source_id, x1::double precision AS x, y1::double precision AS y FROM kanagawa WHERE source IN (125513,7731,17838,76309,124369)', '125513,7731,17838,76309,124369', '125513');
=> 5(1 row)

2. abnormal(ids count is 3)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsp('SELECT DISTINCT source::integer AS source_id, x1::double precision AS x, y1::double precision AS y FROM kanagawa WHERE source IN (125513,7731,17838)', '125513,7731,17838', '125513');
=> server closed the connection unexpectedly...

3. abnormal(ids count is 2)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsp('SELECT DISTINCT source::integer AS source_id, x1::double precision AS x, y1::double precision AS y FROM kanagawa WHERE source IN (125513,7731)', '125513,7731', '125513');
=> CPU 100% (It seems that infinite loop occurred)

4. abnormal(ids count is 1)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsp('SELECT DISTINCT source::integer AS source_id, x1::double precision AS x, y1::double precision AS y FROM kanagawa WHERE source IN (125513)', '125513', '125513');
=> CPU 100% (It seems that infinite loop occurred)

5. abnormal(all source_id is the same)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsp('SELECT DISTINCT source::integer AS source_id, x1::double precision AS x, y1::double precision AS y FROM kanagawa WHERE source IN (7731,7731,7731,7731,7731)', '7731,7731,7731,7731,7731', '7731');
=> CPU 100% (It seems that infinite loop occurred)

6. abnormal(not exist source_id)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsp('SELECT DISTINCT source::integer AS source_id, x1::double precision AS x, y1::double precision AS y FROM kanagawa WHERE source IN (188000,7731,17838,76309,124369)', '188000,7731,17838,76309,124369', '188000');
=> server closed the connection unexpectedly...

7. abnormal(include not exist source in ids)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsp('SELECT DISTINCT source::integer AS source_id, x1::double precision AS x, y1::double precision AS y FROM kanagawa WHERE source IN (7731,17838,76309,124369,188000)', '7731,17838,76309,124369,188000', '7731');
=> 4(1 row)

8. abnormal(include not exist source in ids)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsp('SELECT DISTINCT source::integer AS source_id, x1::double precision AS x, y1::double precision AS y FROM kanagawa WHERE source IN (7731,17838,76309,188001,188000)', '7731,17838,76309,188001,188000', '7731');
=> server closed the connection unexpectedly...

9. abnormal(include not exist source in ids)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsp('SELECT DISTINCT source::integer AS source_id, x1::double precision AS x, y1::double precision AS y FROM kanagawa WHERE source IN (7731,17838,188002,188001,188000)', '7731,17838,188002,188001,188000', '7731');
=> CPU 100% (It seems that infinite loop occurred)

10. abnormal(include not exist source in ids)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsp('SELECT DISTINCT source::integer AS source_id, x1::double precision AS x, y1::double precision AS y FROM kanagawa WHERE source IN (7731,188003,188002,188001,188000)', '7731,188003,188002,188001,188000', '7731');
=> CPU 100% (It seems that infinite loop occurred)

11. abnormal(all source in ids and source_id not exist)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsp('SELECT DISTINCT source::integer AS source_id, x1::double precision AS x, y1::double precision AS y FROM kanagawa WHERE source IN (188000,188001,188002,188003,188004)', '188000,188001,188002,188003,188004', '188000');
=> server closed the connection unexpectedly...

#94 Vertices check in TSP TSP Version 1.2 feature request 02/01/08

TSP SQL wrapper should check the number of points and their existance. Also TSP C wrapper should checl the number of points.

#87 Bugs/mods in sql scripts pgRouting package Version 1.1 bug report 11/21/07

The function assign_vertex_id() seems to be missing from the 1.0 version; likewise for shortest_path_as_geometry. Was there any reason for these omissions? With the 6.2.2 version of GRASS, exports into PostgreSQL tend to create LINESTRINGS not MULTILINESTRINGS; though you can convert them, a few generalisations let the functions in the tutorial work on LINESTRINGS as well as MULTILINESTRINGS. The direct exports into PostgreSQL seem to capture more data than exports to shapefiles etc. Also, it's a bit tedious having to add the columns in by hand so I have modified them to create the needed columns automatically. There is a bug in some versions of postgis (eg.1.3.1) which causes endpoint() to crash the system. I have included a trivial (though less efficient) workaround. Overloading some of the functions allows extra convenience with choices of column names. There also seemed to be some non-functional code which I deleted. This stuff has not been extensively tested: treat with caution. There may be consequences which I haven't yet considered. There is a general inconsistency between use or source/source_id & target/target_id. A decision needs to be made as to which to use. I'm attaching the whole files since it could get messy.

#208 osm2pgrouting fails to load duplicate classes osm2pgrouting defect 06/14/10

examples: <tag k="cycleway" v="track"/> <tag k="highway" v="track"/>

I also added some error reporting and made the class_id not null in the ways table.

#1 TSP should return to start point TSP Version 1.2 feature request 05/10/07

Current implementation of TSP calculates the path prom start point to an end point which is one of points to visit. For VRP we need TSP version which will return back to the start point.

#133 'the_geom' as a mandatory name Others Version 1.1 feature request 11/23/08


I've just begun testing pgRouting with my own set of data. the geometry column was stupidly named 'geometry'. Unless I'm off my rocker :] What I've found from your functions is that all of them force the use of a geometry column named 'the_geom' ... This doesn't cut it with existing data already being used by web apps relying on the existing table's geometry column name... IMHO your functions *should* automagically guess the geometry column's name ... (yes, i know... there might be more than one geometry columns...)

Please set me straight if I'm just raving here ... :]

Best regards, Pedro Doria Meunier

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