Ticket #129 (closed bug report: fixed)

Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

server connexion closed unexpectedly using shortest_path

Reported by: c.mohsen Owned by: anton
Priority: major Milestone: Version 1.1
Component: pgRouting package Version: 1.0.0a
Keywords: Cc:



I'm using the librouting dll from pgRouting-1.0.0_win32.

Here are the steps to reproduce my problem :

1. execute the file dijkstra.sql (see attached files) to create the function shortest_path

2. Restore the database "routingtest" (see attached files)

3. execute the query :

SELECT a.edge_id FROM shortest_path('SELECT id, source, target, cost FROM roads_europe_edges', 1, 3, false, false) AS a LEFT JOIN roads_europe ON vertex_id = gid ;

The server connexion closes unexpectedly instead of giving me an answer.


Nouveau dossier (2).rar Download (162.2 KB) - added by c.mohsen 2 years ago.

Change History

Changed 2 years ago by c.mohsen

Changed 2 years ago by anton

  • owner changed from somebody to anton
  • status changed from new to assigned

For your versions of PostgreSQL and PostGIS you should use the newer 1.02 version of pgRouting. The version you're using now was compiled for older versions of PostgreSQL and PostGIS.

So, please try newer version of pgRouting and report results.

Changed 2 years ago by c.mohsen

I'm now using pgrouting 1.02 but I still have the same problem...

Changed 2 years ago by anton

OK, now please wait for a while - I'm going to try your data from the attachment.

Changed 2 years ago by anton

  • status changed from assigned to closed
  • resolution set to fixed

Probably fixed with 1.03. Please reopen if it crashes.

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