Ticket #90 (new bug report)

Opened 3 years ago

cmake CONFIGURE_FILE error

Reported by: kyngchaos Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: pgRouting package Version: 1.0
Keywords: Cc:


I get a cmake error with CONFIGURE_FILE - for all the *.sql install commands. I think it's because SQL_INSTALL_PATH is not getting set correctly, thus its sanity check that the destination exists fails.

It looks like the problem is:

  SET(SQL_INSTALL_PATH /usr/share/postlbs)

OSX appears to fall under the "UNIX" category (makes sense), and so it hardwires the SQL_INSTALL_PATH instead of using the configured PGROUTING_BINARY_DIR. /usr/share/postlbs does not exist on my system, and I don't want it to, I want the sql in the configured Postgres dir. If I comment out the UNIX block, leaving the set commands in the second block (else), cmake succeeds in configuring the build.

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