This page needs some review!
How to show the route with Mapserver
(Author: Camptocamp/ pgDijkstra)
The shortest path function (i.e. "dijkstra_sp()") can be used inside Mapserver to draw the shortest path directly:
LAYER NAME "europe" TYPE LINE STATUS DEFAULT CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=postgres host=localhost dbname=geo" DATA "the_geom from (SELECT the_geom, gid from dijkstra_sp('bahnlinien_europa_polyline', 2629, 10171)) AS foo using unique gid using srid=-1" TEMPLATE "t" CLASS NAME "0" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 10 COLOR 50 50 100 END END END
Notice however, that this function will be called at each map display, computing the shortest path every time.
A better approach would be to generate the shortest path in a temporary table.