Nearly a standard are the well-known ESRI-Shapefiles that consist of -at least - a .dbf-File, a .shp-File and a .shx-File.
These files mostly have already a topology.
If you have installed postgresql a tool called "shp2pgsql" will exist on your computer. You can transform your data into the sql-format doing:
Shp2pgsql /home/mydata/roads.shp newtable >/home/mydata/roads.sql“
For test-purposes you can take data from British Columbia ( You get it from the GeoBase “National Road Network” dataset.
Please be aware: Don`t use OpenStreetMap?-Shapefiles, as thew will create some problems because of their structure. For OpenStreetMap?-Data you find an own section here:
That sql-file that was created by shp2pgsql you need to bring in your routing-database.
For these steps please have a look at the documentation out of the Workshop2007: