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Sahana Quickstart



When you first start Sahana you’ll be taken to a web setup page. Most of this has been done for you, so on the first page you can just click “Next >” at the bottom, and on the second setup page in the “Create new database” box you should keep the “Database User” as ‘root‘ and fill in ‘user‘ for the password in the line directly below it. Then click on “Setup Database >” at the very bottom of the page without changing anything else.

On the third setup page you’ll be asked to set up some passwords, and it insists on strong ones, e.g. “demo4osgeo” for all of them. Also on this page you for the purposes of the demo should leave Access Control set as “Disabled“. Finish by clicking the “Write Configuration File >” button at the bottom of the page. This will give you a security warning (only important if you intend to install from the live demo DVD), and a button to “Start Sahana” which you will want to click.


An easy way to get started is by adding a detail artifact. From the main menu on the left click on Situation Mapping, “Add Situation Markers“, and add some information about a sample detail. You’ll then be able to view and select this with the “Situation Map” link in the upper left corner of the page.


Sahana is in active development and the spatial data tools are greatly improved in the yet-unreleased (“trunk”) version. This includes support for:

  • GPS Interface module (waypoint and route upload/download via GpsBabel)
  • UMN Mapserver module (web admin front-end)
  • Extensive GIS configuration section in the Sahaha Administration module including support for external data sources from Google Maps, TMS, OpenStreetMap, KML OSM and GML geodata files, MS Virtual Earth, Yahoo Maps, WMS, GeoRSS, and Multimap.

The stable version used on this live disc only includes support for Google Maps. You can explore the new features in the “trunk” working demo linked below.


A working demo of Sahana can be found at
(see that page for username and password login credentials)

A live example of Sahana in action (open to the public) can be found at

Further reading