Kosmo - Desktop is a general Desktop-GIS. Using extra extensions allows customizing it for specific purposes. It is designed for the average GIS user, with special emphasis on user-friendly interface (quite similar to the most famous and wide used commercial desktop GIS). It is open source and provides users with the most useful tools to explore, edit and analyze spatial data. All of it by observing the OpenGIS standards and applying high efforts to maintain the data topology quality. It is the first component of a series of developments oriented to be a complete spatial data infrastructure that will be made available to the entire community.
Kosmo - 2.0 RC1 is distributed under a GPLv2 license (see GPL v2 license for more details about it)
Running on the LiveDVD
- To run Kosmo 2.0 RC1 on the Live DVD, click on the Kosmo link on the desktop.
- In the "Wellcome to Kosmo" dialog, select the option "With a new view" under the "Create new project" group in order to create a new project with an empty view. Press Ok to continue
- In the next dialog, select your Spatial Reference System and press Ok to continue
- Press the green plus button from the main toolbar to start adding geodata resources (files, databases tables) to the empty view
Getting started
Kosmo - Desktop Client 2.0 RC1 is able to load the next types of geodata resources:
- Vectorial file layers: Shapefiles, GML, DXF, DWG, DGN, CSV (by an extension)
- Vectorial databases: PostgreSQL + PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL
- Raster layers: ECW, MrSID, Tiff, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP
- OGC services: WMS 1.0.0/1.1.0/1.3.0, WFS 1.0.0/1.1.0
There are some shapefiles and images from /usr/local/share/openjump-data or /usr/local/share/qgis-data that can be loaded, as well as any WMS or WFS server configured in the Live-DVD.
New functionalities in the new 2.0 RC1
The new Kosmo Desktop 2.0 RC1 contains the next new functionalities and improvements:
- New advanced printing module that uses as base the OpenOffice offimatic suite
- Topology relations on edition and post-edition mode
- Sextante 0.3 bindings for Kosmo
- Raster georreferencing tool
- Generation of polygons from a line set tool
- Clean / intersect / validating tools
- Improvements for digitizing tools (geometry tracking mode, ...)
- KML export
- GML import / export
- SLD import / export
- WFS connector added
- WMS connector improved
- Field calculator improved with some new functions