sdesc: "QGIS Nightly build of latest release branch with Qt6"
ldesc: "QGIS Nightly build of latest release branch with Qt6"
maintainer: JuergenFischer
category: Desktop
requires: msvcrt2019 proj9-runtime gdal310-runtime libpq geos zstd gsl gdal libspatialite zlib libiconv fcgi libspatialindex oci qt6-libs qt6-qml qt6-tools qca-qt6 qwt-qt6-libs python3-sip python3-core python3-pyqt6 python3-psycopg2 python3-pyqt6-qscintilla python3-jinja2 python3-markupsafe python3-pygments python3-python-dateutil python3-pytz python3-nose2 python3-mock python3-httplib2 python3-future python3-pyyaml python3-gdal python3-requests python3-plotly python3-pyproj python3-owslib qtkeychain-qt6-libs libzip opencl exiv2 hdf5 pdal pdal-libs
curr: 3.42.1-32-f23a29d1a8-1
prev: 3.42.0-32-ffcd8060f8-1