Web-based Routing: An Introduction to pgRouting with OpenLayers??
- Claude Philipona ( Camptocamp SA)
- Daniel Kastl ( Georepublic UG and Georepublic Japan)
Further authors:
- Frédéric Junod ( Camptocamp SA)
- Anton Patrushev ( Georepublic UG and Georepublic Japan)
PostgreSQL / pgRouting
- Create a routing database
- Load routing data
- Prepare routing table for Dijkstra
- Prepare routing table for A-Star
- Prepare routing table for Shooting-Star
OpenLayers? routing map
- Starting page
- Design basic map layers
- Create a Vector layer and draw a polygon on it
- “set start/end point” tool
- Customize the tools
- Ask for a route
- Show the routing result on the map
Routing PHP script with XML output
(1.0 MB) - added by daniel 3 years ago.
pgRouting Workshop template and library files
(1.3 MB) - added by daniel 3 years ago.
pgRouting tutorial template and library files